Insert Module into Joomla! Content Item
Have you ever want to insert your module like polls, counter, Google Adsense to your content? Here is how to do :)Joomla1.0.x
Step 1. Go to Admin page and check your mambot and enable Load Module Positions. If you click into Load Module Positions, there are few setting here.
- Published select yes
- Styles In this field you can should whatever. It will create HTML tag wrap your module.(div tag <div>...</div> or table tag <table>...</table>) I recommended you choose raw output!
Step 2. Go to Site=>Template Manager=>Module Positions Create new module position just type anything in to blank field. (I type module position name example, you can see the picture below)
Step 3. Go to Module manager and copy which module that you want to show in the content or you can create new one. (I copy poll module)
Step 4. Click in to your copy module (mine is copy of poll) and choose position that you just created in step 2. Publish it and in the Menu Item Links: select All.
Joomla 1.5.x:
- Joomla 1.5.x mambot change the name to plugin
- To create new module position, In your copy module setting just click at the Position dropdown menu box and type new name into it. (click on the box not on the arrow)
- Use this tag {loadposition yourmodulepostionname} instead of {mosloadposition yourmodulepostionname}
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