Welcome to Zen_ar218's blogspot.

August 24, 2009

How to Enlarge Jcomments Avatar

How to Enlarge Jcomments Avatar

Jcomments is one of the best joomla comments system.

Many great features:
-Multi Language
-Simple to use
-Support Smilies
-Custom BBCode
-Import comments from others components

You can try it here:
Demo JComments

Download JComments here:
Download JComments

This component is working almost perfectly. But the default JComments' Avatar is too small (just 32x32 px)
Jcomments Avatars is too small

See how small it is

If you want to enlarge it, Just follow my step here:

Step 1: Open the file style.css

Step 2: Looking for this line:
/* Avatar */
#comments .comment-avatar img {width: 32px}

Step 3: Change 32px to the size you want: (I prefer 48px)
/* Avatar */
#comments .comment-avatar img {width: 48px}

Finish: Save the file style.css, upload it back to its location, open your page and see the results!!
JComments Avatar 48X48 px

Now, JComments' Avatar is 48x48 px

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


June 2, 2009

How to Change Database Collation to UTF-8

How to Change Database Collation to UTF-8

In some web hosting, They use Cpanel and Fantastico installer. It will automatic install your website and database. So You can not set your database collation by yourseft.

How to Change Database Collation 01

Cpanel Interface

Bad luck, Some web hosting set the default database collation to Latin Swedish. But if you wanna do Thai, Chinese, Korean Website. You need to set the collation of database to UTF-8.

How to Change Database Collation 02

How to change this!!!!

If the database is not UTF-8, The display of your language will not display correctly.

How to Change Database Collation 03

As you can see in this picture.

Don't worry there's a way :)

For changing the collation of database, You can manually do it in notepad or dreamweaver.
But it's not very easy to do. So I will explain you the easiest way:

Step 1. You have to download Tool from Phoca for Changing Collation (Click here to Download). It's very great.

Step 2. After finish downloading, Right click and extract the file to your PC. (If you have WinZip, or WinRAR, etc.)

How to Change Database Collation 04

Step 3. You will see the folder name tool_phoca_changing_collation.... (Tooooo long name). Rename the folder to collation.

How to Change Database Collation 05

How to Change Database Collation 06

Rename the folder name to collation

Step 5. Uploading the folder to the root of your website.

How to Change Database Collation 07

Step 6. Okay, It's almost finish... Open your web browser and enter this URL: (Yourdomainname/collation/index.php)

How to Change Database Collation 08

Step 7. You will see this screen appear.

How to Change Database Collation 09

Step 8. Enter the field and click Submit
  • Database Host: Enter your host name

  • Database User: Enter your username for connecting to database

  • Database Password: Enter your password

  • Database Name: Enter your database name

  • Database Collation: utf8_general_ci

Step 9. Finish!!! Now the database change to UTF-8, Check your website and see the language display!

How to Change Database Collation 10
How to Change Database Collation 11

Thanks, Phoca Team Developer for this great stuff!!! :)

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


May 24, 2009

How to Insert Iframe Code in Joomla Module

How to Insert Iframe Code in Joomla Module

Sometimes when you wanna use Iframe code (HTML) in joomla module. Joomla always removes your code which you just inserted. For example, this code...

<IFRAME src="http://financialtools.stockgroup.com/charts/SGChartDB.asp" 
frameBorder=0 width=200 scrolling=no height=227></IFRAME>

This code should show this:

But in Joomla! if you insert the iframe code directly: (see the picture below)

Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-01

When you click update button. What happen!! The code's suddenly removed!!! Nothing appear in Editor Space.

Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-02

Don't worry, That is not a problem. Joomla WYSIWYG Editor always remove some HTML code for security. (For more details read here - Joomla Filtering Options)

So, Is it possible to insert iframe code in Joomla?

Sure, Let's see how to do it!

For inserting iframe code in joomla module, You have to choose new wrapper module instead of custom HTML module.

- Go to Admin Page => Extensions=>Modules Manager=> New and then Choose wrapper

Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-03

- There are some parameters here:

Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-04

- If you don't know what to insert there, just look at your iframe code again:
<IFRAME src="http://financialtools.stockgroup.com/charts/SGChartDB.asp" 
frameBorder=0 width=200 scrolling=no height=227></IFRAME>

- Insert the parameters by following your iframe code
Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-05

  • Module Class Suffix - Leave it blank (You can read more detail of module class suffix here)

  • URL - Depend on your iframe code

  • Scroll Bars - Depend on your iframe code

  • Width - Depend on your iframe code

  • Height - Depend on your iframe code

  • Auto Height - Yes or No is no effect here

  • Auto Add - Yes

  • Target Name - Name of The Iframe - (More explanation of iframe name available here)

- After finishing insert the parameters save the module and publish it.

- The iframe module will show on your Joomla site!

Insert Iframe code in Joomla module-06

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


May 3, 2009

How to Make Electric Effect by Photoshop

How to Make Electric Effect by Photoshop

Last months I designed this poster for Thailand Othello Championship 2009 by Adobe Photoshop

Sosuco Thailand Othello Championship2009 Poster

Many peoples loved it. You may wonder how did I do this electric effect on this poster.
This tutorial will show you how to do...

Step 1: Create New file (Any dimension)in Adobe Photoshop and Press 'D' to reset the colors of foreground and background to default. (Black and White)
How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 01

Step 2: Choose=> Filter and Then Render=>Clouds

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 02

You should get the results like this picture below:

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 03

Step 3: Now Click on=> Filter and Then Render=>Difference Clouds

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 04

The results:

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 05

Step 4: Press CTRL+I to invert the color

The results:

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 06

Step 5: Press CTRL+L and move the middle arrow to the right.

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 07

Step 6: Adjust the color by press CTRL+U (Don't forget to tick on Colorize), You can change to your prefer colors. (for this example, I change to Blue.)

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 08

Step 7: After you have satisfy the color of your electric effect, then Save to PSD format.
For now, You are finish creating electric effect.

Step 8: And When You wanna use it...
  • Open your electric file.

  • Delete Black color from your electric effect(For doing this choose=>Select=>Color Range...=>Click on Black color and Press Delete button)

  • At your electric layer's Blending Mode: Choose Screen

  • Drag and Drop it to the picture which you wanna put this effect on.

  • Adjust it until you satisfy with the result

  • Finish

How to Do Electric Effect by Photoshop 09

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


April 25, 2009

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage

First time when you fresh install your Joomla! website. The frontpage contents will look like this:

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 01

If you don't like this default joomla frontpage's format, I will tell you how to change them

Step 1: Go to Admin page=>Menus=>Main Menus

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 02

Step 2: You will see the first item which the name home, Click it.

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 03

Step 3:On you right hand, You will see the Parameters (Basic). Here is where to adjust the Joomla! frontpage

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 04

Step 4:You may wonder what is Leading, Intros, Columns and Links. See the picture below you will get an idea.
     # Leading= 1
     # Intros= 4
       Columns= 2
     # Links= 4

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 05

Step 5:Okay, Assume You understand them.
here is some example value:
     # Leading= 1
     # Intros= 4
       Columns= 1
     # Links= 0

The Results will be:
Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 06

Now, You can adjust yourJoomla! front page to the format which you prefer. It is very easy, isn't it? :)

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


February 13, 2009

How to Change Joomla Logo?

How to Change Joomla Logo?

Here is the others FAQ in Joomla Forum.
Many newbie webmasters always ask me how to change Joomla to their own logo.
It is very easy.

Before starting this tutorial, I recommend you all to use firefox. Because this turorial I will use some of the firefox function. It is available here: Dowload Firefox

Step 1.Assume that you are using firefox now. Okay, let start...
Go to your website right click at the Joomla Logo and then choose View Background Image


Step 2.You will see the Joomla Logo and its location. Save it to your PC.


Step 3.Open it and see its name, its size and what image type of it.

For this Example:
Name: mw_joomla_logo
Size: 298x75 pixels
Image Type: png

Step 5.Design your new logo with the same size, same type and same name as Old Joomla Logo one.
This one is my logo.


Step 6.Upload your new logo to your website.

Remember, which location you should upload to?

Root/templates/your template name/images

for this example:



Step 7.Overwrite the existing one


Step 8.Okay, Back to your website. Open it with IE or Firefox and see if your logo change or not?


Step 9.If it is still not changing. You should clear cache of your webbrowser. For firefox choose Tools=>Clear Private Data=>Tick all and then click Clear Private Data Now

Finish Your new logo is showing ,now.

  • You can use any type of image any size and any name to be your new logo. For doing that, you have to modify your template CSS. But in this tutorial I won't tell you how to do it because it might take too long for explanation.

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


February 12, 2009

How to Remove Welcome to The Frontpage (Joomla!)

How to Remove Welcome to The Frontpage (Joomla!)

Over a year, I have been replying in Joomla Official Forum
This question is really one of the most FAQ(Frequently Asked Question).

First time, when you install Joomla web site.
On a Homepage, There is a page title which shows "Welcome to The Frontpage".
The question is: How to remove it?
Very easy answer here :)

how to remove welcome to the frontpage 01

Welcome to the frontpage shows here

Step 1. Go to Admin page and Choose Menus=> Main Menu
how to remove welcome to the frontpage 02

Step 2. Choose Home
how to remove welcome to the frontpage 03

Step 3. Go to Parameters (Systems) =>Page Title
Okay, here you can edit it to whatever you prefer :)
how to remove welcome to the frontpage 04

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


January 20, 2009

Joomla! 1.5.9 released

Joomla! 1.5.9 released

Few months ago the joomla team developer just launched the version 1.5.8 . But now, they release joomla 1.5.9 version which they strongly recommend for the webmaster (who are using joomla) to upgrade to 1.5.9 immediately.

There are several forums and websites which the users are asking how to upgrade version. All of the answer are link to joomla official documentation website.
I think it is really great document.
But if you still have no idea how to upgrade version. You might follow my step.


      [optional] Means this step is optional to perform.
      [required] Means this step is require to upgrade joomla version.


1. [required] Choose the right package to download.
      Joomla 1.5.9 package file for upgrading version is available here

How can I choose which package to download?
-You should know your current joomla version. If you are using version 1.5.7,
you should download joomla 1.5.7 to 1.5.9 package.

There are 3 format type of package, .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 which one you should download?
-Don't worry, If you are using Microsoft Windows operating system just easy choose .zip
If you are using Linux, you might try other 2 format.

2. [required] Backup all the files to your pc.
      This step is easy, just using the ftp program like filezilla
      Copy all of your file in the host and paste to your PC. (It may takes several hours.)

upgrade joomla

The picture shows how to backup the files

3. [required] Backup all of your database.
     You can watch the VDO how to export database to your PC

4. [optional] Set the site offline
      Go to Admin=> Grobal Config=>Site Offline=>yes
      This step is not require for joomla 1.5.x to 1.5.9 (but for upgrading joomla 1.0.x to 1.0.15, This step is require)

5. [required] Extract the Joomla1.5.9 package file to your PC
      You might use WinZip, WinRAR for extracting.

6. [required] Upload all the file that you extract and overwrite any that exist.
      This step takes several minutes.

7. [required] After finish uploading, Go to backend. If there any warning appear, just follow them.

8. [optional]
Okay, Make your site online again
      Go to Admin=> Grobal Config=>Site Offline=>no
9. [required]Check your website thoroughly
10. Congratulation, You finish upgrading version:)

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


January 19, 2009

How to Upgrade Mamboboard Version

How to Upgrade Mamboboard Version

If you are using mamboboard, there is an update available in the mamboboard official website.
But too bad.. There is no upgrading instruction available there. So, I have to write in here. :)

[optional] Means this step is optional to perform.
[required] Means this step is require to upgrade mamboboard

1. [require] Unpublish the main menu item which link to the forum.
2. [optional] Switch your forum offline in the mamboboard configuration.
3. [optional] Backup database (All of mos_sb_table or jos_sb_ table)
4. [optional] Backup any custom templates (Root/components/com_mamboboard/templates)
5. [optional] Backup any custom emoticons (Root/components/com_mamboboard/emoticons)
6. [optional] Backup any custom rules.txt (Root/components/com_mamboboard/rules.txt)
7. [optional] Backup user avatars (Root/components/com_mamboboard/avatars)
8. [require] Backup user uploads files and images (Root/components/com_mamboboard/uploaded)
9. [require] Uninstall Mamboboard via the Mambo or Joomla! Backend.
10.[require] Install the new version of mamboboard.
11.[require] Restore user uploads files and images.
12.[optional] Restore user uploads avatars
13.[optional] Restore your rules.txt
14.[optional] Restore any custom emoticons by placing them back in the correct directory.
15.[optional] Restore any custom templates by placing them back in the correct directory.
16.[require] Create a new forum menu item for the main menu and publish it.
17.Okay finish :)

Webmaster of Thai Othello Page


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