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April 25, 2009

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage

First time when you fresh install your Joomla! website. The frontpage contents will look like this:

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 01

If you don't like this default joomla frontpage's format, I will tell you how to change them

Step 1: Go to Admin page=>Menus=>Main Menus

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 02

Step 2: You will see the first item which the name home, Click it.

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 03

Step 3:On you right hand, You will see the Parameters (Basic). Here is where to adjust the Joomla! frontpage

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 04

Step 4:You may wonder what is Leading, Intros, Columns and Links. See the picture below you will get an idea.
     # Leading= 1
     # Intros= 4
       Columns= 2
     # Links= 4

Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 05

Step 5:Okay, Assume You understand them.
here is some example value:
     # Leading= 1
     # Intros= 4
       Columns= 1
     # Links= 0

The Results will be:
Adjusting Joomla Frontpage 06

Now, You can adjust yourJoomla! front page to the format which you prefer. It is very easy, isn't it? :)

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